I am now a 36 year old widow. Not sure how much things can change or how much they can change but let me tell you it can happen in the blink of an eye. The rug has been pulled from under me and I am struggling to pick myself and my kids up. I feel like sometimes, we have to be ready for when our plans and God's plans change what we think is going to happen. I am hopeful that our family's future includes Mark, my beloved husband, as much as we can.
Sorry I have been MIA. Been sick again and can't seem to kick it. I decided to wean Preston all the way too since my supply sucked and I can't get feeling better. I have been sick all winter long I swear. I think I might have pneumonia but try getting into a dr unless you are dead it is impossible. I also got moved at work since we have been down, it is so nice I don't want to go back lol. Anyway things are trucking right along. Preston is over 5 months now.....growing like a weed. Man can he eat.
Well this weekend we went to my grandma's 80th birthday party. She was so glad that everyone came that she cried! It made me sad to see her cry but also happy because they were tears of joy. Also we had Brooklyn's second birthday party on Sunday. That was fun too, so I am going to put up some pictures. Please comment